ELDOA gives you the tools to create more space in your joints and vertebrae, YOU become your own therapist!
The postures target specific areas of the spine and joints in the body, such as the low back, mid back, neck or hip joint. Full benefit of the posture is achieved in only 60 seconds, making it very easy and time efficient to add to the end of any workout routine. Therefore, ELDOA is like the cherry on top of your fitness program! 60 seconds a day, will greatly enhance your joint health.
These are NOT passive postures. You are actively working to decompress the desired vertebrae or joint in which you want to create more space. Your instructor is providing you constant verbal cuing and feedback to help you achieve as much decompression as you can.
Sign up today and experience these benefits for yourself.
Benefits include
• Hydrates the intervertebral discs
• Improves “computer posture” rounded shoulders and neck fwd.
• Manage and reduce Arthritis/Osteoarthritis in the spine and joints
• Reduces vertebral disc bulges and helps to prevent future bulges
• Depresses nerves between the joints, alleviating nerve pain
• Slows down degeneration of the bone
• Non surgical option for back, neck, hip and Sciatic pain
• Part of a rehabilitation program post surgery

Myofascial Stretches
Before working on a specific ELDOA in class, we will move through a series of myofascial stretches to prepare the body for the ELDOA; this allows for maximum benefit of the ELDOA posture with longer lasting effects.
Myofascial stretches, like the ELDOA are specific to a certain muscle and its fascial chain. These stretches alone are very beneficial. Imagine trying to stretch a muscle wrapped in a tight leathery band (tight fascial tissue) Your muscle wont get very far!
Stretching a muscle is much more effective when the movement of this tissue begins to glide and soften, becoming more like a supportive web, allowing the muscle to stretch fully, instead of constricting the movement.
How do the ELDOA work?
The ELDOA postures put the myofascial chain around a specific segment into tension to “de-coapt”, creating more space between two vertebrae or two joints, while respecting any imbalance in the body and actively correcting postural irregularities.
Easier said, gravity is constantly weighing down on your spine and joints, compressing them over time. The ELDOA postures work to strengthen and create more space in the vertebrae and joints, which helps to counteract the effects of gravity. You will stand taller, feel lighter; yet stronger and regain movement in your spine and joints.
Reserve a class today and begin your journey to spinal health!