Gyrotonic comes from the Greek word “Gyro” meaning spiral or circle and “tonic” to tone and invigorate.
The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® was created over 30 years ago and has been widely used across Europe ever since. It gained popularity in the US and recently, here in Canada, thanks to its excellent reputation. Originally, the method was used to improve athletic performance and rehabilitate sports related injuries. Nowadays, it is practiced by just about anyone because of its success in treating chronic back pain, along with all its other benefits.
The circular and spiralling motions are unique to this method. More over, patterns are harmonious giving your body freedom to move
If you’re conditioned to exercising in a more linear fashion, you may be surprised at how little control you have over your body using this system. Unlike most conventional forms of exercise, this system challenges you to move in a variety of ways. Most importantly, Gyrotonic doesn’t just train your muscles like traditional methods, it strengthens and supports your movement!
Book an introductory class today and experience it for yourself.
The Machines
Special equipment enhances and supports the circular, spiralling movements. As a result, the mover can flow from one exercise pattern into the next without stopping. Therefore, eliminating jerking and jarring in the body, where many injuries occur.
Conventional weight training congests and overworks the joint area, causing tension and possible injury. On the other hand, the weight resistance in gyrotonic creates more space and opens the joints.
The machine guides the movements. However, it makes you do the work, creating more body awareness through movement.
All the equipment is fully adjustable to fit each person’s body type properly. In addition, the intensity of the weight resistance and tension adapt to the individuals fitness level and desire.
Body in Harmony has the Original Pulley Tower Machine and the Jumping Stretching Board to challenge you to move in new ways.
Benefits Include
• Build balance and coordination
• Relieve chronic back pain
• Develop deeper core strength
• Improve bone strength and density
• Enjoy stress free, pain free joints
• Create a longer, toned body
• Increase range of motion
• Decompress the spine
• Prevent injuries
• Recover faster from sports and job related injuries.

The Whole Body
As the name implies, the bodies connective tissue is all interconnected. Our bodies are meant to function as a whole. However, weak and overworked muscles pull on our tissue in different directions, causing dysfunction. Movement becomes difficult and puts stress on the entire muscular system.
Gyrotonic exercises focus on internal symmetry by releasing overworked areas and strengthening weak muscles. As a result, the connective web is rebalanced and your body can work as a whole unit again. In addition, exercises include multiple joint movements, actively working the fascial system to improve your quality of movement and make it more dynamic.
for more information, check out the Gyrotonic International Headquarters website at www.gyrotonic.com
Reserve a class today and find your path to inner freedom!

GYROTONIC® , GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of the Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.